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Next Pharma Summit 2024

It’s a 2-day multistage conference dedicated to people passionate about Pharma and all around Digital, Commercial, Medical Affairs, Tech and more. NEXT Pharma understand that pharma is shaping and redefining it’s purpose due the heavy transformation process, and inspire and cheer about a simple question: Where to NEXT?

This is the yearly reunion where the greatest minds of the pharma industry gather to understand how to better tackle commercial operation challenges coming to hit either from the technology side, but also from change, management and transformation needs.

This session will usually take us on a tour of different pharma business cases and vendor solutions to understand the realm of possibilities.

On my side, I like to provoke by bringing new angles to conversations, as I sit right in the middle of the industry challenges and the open innovation ecosystems and their bright solutions. Hoping we are not going to be stuck in a chatGPT loop, I'd like to prepare the terrain for the new changes I see impacting teams and organisations.

Date & Time

May 14, 2024



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